
FREE entry to the sauna

FREE entry to the sauna

Exclusively for the guests of the Spa Resort PAWLIK-AQUAFORUM we have prepared a special offer for the year 2024. This is a year-round entry to the sauna in Aquaforum Aquapark completely free of charge. We believe that hotel guests will be pleased with this news, because sauna can play an important role in spa treatment and bring several health benefits.
Here are some of the important aspects of sauna use in spa treatment:
  • Detox: Sauna bathing promotes intense sweating, which can help the body flush out harmful substances and toxins. The process of sweating while sauna bathing can cleanse the pores of the skin and remove substances from the body, which is significant in the detoxification process of spa treatments.
  • Improving circulation: sauna treatment causes blood vessels to dilate and heart rate to increase, promoting better circulation. This can be beneficial in the treatment of diseases associated with blood circulation and cardiovascular problems.
  • Relaxing muscles and reducing pain: Sauna therapy can help relax muscles and reduce muscle tension. For people who suffer from muscle or joint pain, sauna therapy can be part of a comprehensive treatment to combat pain.
  • Supporting the immune system: Regular sauna sessions can stimulate the body's immune system. Raising the body temperature during a sauna can activate white blood cell production and improve the body's overall immunity.
  • Relaxation and stress reduction: Sauna use is associated with mental relaxation and stress reduction. As part of a spa treatment, sauna therapy can be used as a means of providing patients with a relaxing environment, which can contribute to overall well-being.
  • Öffnung der Hautporen und Feuchtigkeitszufuhr: Das Saunabaden kann dazu beitragen, die Hautporen zu öffnen und die Aufnahme von Feuchtigkeitsspendern zu erleichtern. Dies kann für Menschen mit trockener oder problematischer Haut von Vorteil sein.   Es ist jedoch wichtig, sich darüber im Klaren zu sein, dass nicht jeder das Saunabaden gut verträgt und dass Sicherheitsrichtlinien befolgt werden sollten, insbesondere bei Menschen mit bestimmten gesundheitlichen Problemen. Patienten sollten sich von einem Fachmann oder Arzt beraten lassen, bevor sie eine Saunatherapie in ihre Spa-Behandlung aufnehmen.
  • Opening skin pores and hydration: Sauna bathing can help open skin pores and facilitate the absorption of moisturizers. This can be beneficial for people who have dry or problematic skin.   However, it is also important to be aware that not everyone tolerates sauna use well and that safety guidelines should be followed, especially for people with certain health conditions. Patients should consult with a professional or physician before incorporating sauna therapy into their spa treatment.

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